Front End Development

Jas Parkety

My name is Lukas H. and I am a Front End Developer living and working in Vienna.
You are welcome to take a glimps at my skillset or visit one of my profiles:


Dead Link Checker

There are a lot of tools to find dead links, but knowing grep, find etc. can customize a first level test. In this case the script should search for all dead links within another repository.

Advanced Search

Another example of basic bash usage.

Examples of few JS/jQuery Code Snippets

Get a nice tosrus API for embedded youtube

The main task here was to provide a nice wrapper with a z-index that overlaid the whole page. Showing the recommandations by youtube were switched off and after the video was finished a nice opacity transition took place.

Python Test Driven Development & Tool Snippets

Fileserver HTML tag handler

In some cases a team wants to deploy different kinds of documentation. The Work Flow should stay the same. In this case for the technical writers the documentation was deployed via mkdocs and gitbook and therefor I created a markdown to yml parser.

Youtrack API Communiation

The following Code Snippet was used to read the latest Release Version from a Youtrack project and implement it on a webpage. It was also a preparation for a version controlled documentation.

Jekyll Liquid Language

Generating a 3 column automated responsive and alligned Newspaper Front End

In Jekyll there are several ways to align an element in a parent's column. In this particular example the goal was to insert an element in the first column if its modulo was 0, second if its modulo was 1 and so on. This gave the page a more "Newspaper" style feeling.

Git of your feet

Resolve Mergeconflict the best way

A good way to solve quick&dirty merge conflicts with git is via the command rebase. Unfortunately, this will overwrite the history. This is not how git is supposed to be used. The Screenshot shows a more consistent way by overwriting the branch and is part of my Personal Note File.


Responsive mixin functions & Loopig in SCSS

Just a nice example how I like to use scss to create dynamic layouts. Also this webpage could contain thousands of chapters (saved in just one yml file) and will build itself up dynamically.

Preventing FOC

A very small scss code snippet which made a fast flash on the landing page to prevent FOC on index only when triggered by jQuery.